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Size | Red White and Blue 2XL, Red White and Blue Large, Red White and Blue Medium, Red White and Blue Small, Small, NO SHIRT – we will not ship you anything, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X-Large, 3X-Large |
One of the problems with bureaucracy is that you can do everything right and still come up on the short end of the stick. It’s something that companies working to support your Second Amendment rights have become familiar with, and you already know we’re going to be staying the course for the foreseeable future. As a well-known supplier of quality firearms parts, kits, and tools, it comes as no surprise to anyone that we’re under scrutiny from anti-firearms advocates, political hopefuls, and overreaching government regulators. It’s still never a good day when you get a visit from one of them.
You’ve all probably heard we received a visit from agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’ (ATF) Philadelphia field office on Thursday, May 12th, 2022. Given the recent rule changes announced by the Justice Department regarding the definition of firearms, frames, receivers, and the word “readily” that’s set to go into effect in August, we suspected they might stop by. Our legal team was and still is on standby, just in case they decided to get a head start.
This was not a raid. There was no Hollywood drama. No action-packed entries, smoke-filled back rooms, or gritty agency veterans with a tough-as-nails approach and a heart of gold. We were not forced to take down our website. No merchandise was confiscated. No records were seized. The ATF delivered a cease-and-desist letter that specifically addresses long-standing business practices we–and companies–like us have pursued legally for years with the full knowledge of the ATF, who we, as a responsible firearms business, had worked with to ensure clarification of policies and our compliance with their guidelines over the years.
We do not sell firearms. Our customers know this, and the ATF has acknowledged this time and again. We sell parts, kits, and tools. While the definition of these parts and kits may be changing under the new rule, that rule is not in effect. The ATF’s stance seems to have changed on the issue, however, as their letter states selling both parts and a frame to the same party–even after a space of months has passed–will be viewed as selling a completed firearm. This is in direct opposition to their own opinion letter to us and the public stances that have been taken repeatedly in media, courts, and before legislative bodies.
Despite assurance in the cease-and-desist letter that this is in no way related to the coming rule change, it is hard to view it as anything else. Their letter amounts to an attempt to redefine the sale of parts and kits as the transfer of a firearm requiring a Federal Firearms License and all the intrusive background checks and records requirements that go along with a commercial gun sale.
We view the Second Amendment as sacred–a protection for the common man that’s enshrined in our founding document as an essential part of providing for the “common defense” and securing “the blessings of Liberty and our posterity” that is called for in the preamble of our Constitution. This not only strips our company of the ability to sell legal products to our customers, it chips away at their rights to build, keep, and bear arms. Make no mistake, this letter was delivered to our offices, but it serves notice to all Americans that their rights may be subject to bureaucratic whim.
We’ve never been shy about our thoughts on the current state of fear-mongering and zeal when it comes to the anti-gun atmosphere creeping into our media and the halls of power. We’ve also never been shy about our love of America and our belief that law-abiding Americans deserve the right to legally purchase the parts they need to enjoy the American ideals of fine craftsmanship, self-sufficiency, and self-defense of your self, loved ones, or personal property. There is no cease-and-desist letter on God’s green Earth that will shake those beliefs.
For the immediate future, out of a desire to protect our customers from unwanted and intrusive scrutiny, we have to suspend sales temporarily. We’re working on getting absolute clarification from the ATF while also preparing to take the fight to the courts. There, we hope to have a fair proceeding that protects not only our rights to do business, but your rights to quality gun parts from manufacturers just like us, secure in the knowledge you won’t one day get an unexpected visit of your own.
You have skin in the game and a place in this fight. To start with, make your voice heard. Contact your state and federal officials and demand they protect your fundamental rights. This is an election year, and they need to hear from you before you head to the polls. After the election, keep them accountable. They serve at the pleasure of their constituents, and that means they need to respect your priorities. If you haven’t already, consider joining a firearms advocacy organization that is fighting for your rights through lobbying efforts. The fight isn’t over, and we need your voice to be heard, but we need you to help our voice be heard too.
Right now, we’re still here, in the office, warehouse, and shipping department, doing our best to support your rights with the legal, quality parts, tools, and accessories you’ve come to trust when we’re clear to resume full operations. That takes money, and so do the Constitutional lawyers we have helping us in the halls of power, so we can get back to business as usual. When you buy a JSD Supply shirt, you’re supporting a small business, helping keep food on our workers’ tables, and proudly declaring your allegiance to the Second Amendment freedoms we all hold dear by helping us fund our legal fight. It’s made to our high-quality standards, features the JSD Supply logo, and leaves no doubt that your loyalties lie with American ideals. It’s our honor to stand beside you in this fight, and we continue to appreciate your support with every purchase from JSD Supply.
Size | Red White and Blue 2XL, Red White and Blue Large, Red White and Blue Medium, Red White and Blue Small, Small, NO SHIRT – we will not ship you anything, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X-Large, 3X-Large |
Knowing how to clean an AR-15 will help you keep your custom AR-15 shooting efficiently. We cover the basic AR-15 maintenance steps needed for a clean, well-lubed weapon you can rely on round after round.
Our concealed carry tips will help you carry your sidearm safely, comfortably, and effectively. Learn the right way to find your carry location, protect your rights, and ensure you’re ready to protect yourself and others with your concealed carry gun.
Learn how to improve your trigger control with the right parts and a more disciplined trigger pull. We greek down the mechanics of your gun hand, how to exercise the right muscles for improved strength, and drills to take your shooting to the next level.
As I’m sure you have heard by now, our industry and your rights are under attack by our own government officials. In an effort to help preserve our freedoms and continue bring you the quality products you’ve become accustomed to, we are selling a JSD Branded T-shirt to help the battle with those trying to force legislation without a vote. Click this button to find out more.
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1052 New Castle Road
Prospect PA 16052
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Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST
Phone: (724) 213-9721
Email: [email protected]
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